Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bandmin acctboth error while starting CSF

Restarting bandmin acctboth chains for cPanel
open3: exec of /usr/local/bandmin/bandminstart failed at /usr/sbin/csf line 1638
iptables v1.4.0: Couldn't load target `acctboth':/lib/iptables/libipt_acctboth.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


1) Check if directory bandmin is present at /usr/local/ if not install bandmin on server
#/scripts/bandminup --force
#csf -x
#csf -e

You should not see bandmin acctboth error

If it still gives the error go for step - 2

2) That suggests that you installed the cPanel version or that you've incorrectly set GENERIC = "0". If the former, uninstall and re-install csf. If the latter, set GENERIC = "1" in csf.conf and then restart csf and lfd.
(Thanks to Chirpy)

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