Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I add/remove default programs from starting up when my server reboots?

Using the Redhat Setup Utility

1. Telnet or SSH to your server and "su -" to root.
2. Type "setup" at the command prompt. This will bring up a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for you to make your selection.
3. Scroll down to "System Services" and press enter.
4. You will see a list of all possible services. The services with an "*" next to them are services that will start up when your server starts up.
5. Select a service by pressing the Space Bar on your keyboard if there is not an "*" next to it already. Deselect a service if there is an "*" next to it.
6. Once you are finished selecting what you would like started at boot-up time, press your Tab button to go to the "OK" box and then press enter.
7. If you are ready to exit, press the Tab button twice on your keyboard to go to the "Quit" button and then press enter.
The next time your server reboots, only the selected services will start up.

If you would like to reboot your server immediately, just type "reboot" at the command prompt. Your server will come back up in about 2 minutes or so (depending your hardware.)

Using ntsysv command


You will see a list of all possible services. The services with an "*" next to them are services that will start up when your server starts up.

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